Friday, July 4, 2008

Websites: Features and??? Benefits

After a meeting last week with The Juleen Team (F.C. Tucker Realtors), and Firebelly Marketing it had me thinking about the content of my company's website as well as other websites in general.  Does your website just sell the steak, or does it also sell the sizzle?  When I think of websites in general I think of pictures of a product, some bullet point features, and some general specs and pricing.  All the stuff that helps someone to do research, but nothing really to help convince them the product or service is a better choice than another.

This being said, I began to question if this is a terrible approach to the design of a website.  When we train our leasing staff to sell, we teach feature, benefit, close.  Why aren't websites designed the same way.  Are we not trying to sell our products online?  With the internet and websites becoming more and more the first touch point we have with our customers why are we not selling to them?  We're just giving them the features, and hoping they figure out the benefits, while our close is just giving them a price.  This doesn't seem to make much sense to me.

Even as a consumer I am no longer impressed by fancy websites just loaded with content and pictures.  I want more.  I usually find myself looking for customer testimonials or expert reviews of products before I buy them.  If I don't find the need to search for those it's most likely because I have already seen or used a product, or a friend has recommended it.  I then go on a website just to confirm my decision or make the purchase. 

So, my next goal will be to make our website more benefit friendly.  I'd like to see others follow suit as I think the consumers demand it.  If they don't find everything they need to know at your website doesn't it scare you to think about where they are going to find out more information?  It scares me, and we're going to make some changes.

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