Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How Many "Cast Members" Are Best?

Just one more Disney post and I'll let it be. I was blown away by the number of people that work at the hotels, parks, and restaurants at Disney World. There was not one moment I felt I could not turn around or turn a corner and find someone that could help me. At some points it was kind of creepy and even seemed a bit much.

After thinking about it a bit, seeing more news about layoffs, and reading a blog comment about reducing employee costs I had to write another post. So, what's your thought on over-staffing? Apparently Disney finds a way to justify it, and they don't appear to be reducing their prices anytime soon (trust me).

Is there a secret to having plenty of people? In the world of technology so many processes and people can be reduced or eliminated. Why does Disney implement the technology, but also continue to employ more than enough people? Can more people help to enhance the customer's experience, or does it just add more expenses? Is there a magic formula? Do you think your company has enough people to help create a Disneylike experience?

Thanks and enjoy your day!

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